our story

15+ years ago, a makerspace known as All Power Labs was born in Berkeley, CA. Here, engineers, technologists, dreamers, innovators (and even the occasional Burner) came together to tinker and build, without pretense or ego, the future they wanted to live in – the true essence of Silicon Valley.

For the past decade, the primary project of the lab has been refining the tech to turn biomass into electricity, providing clean energy to remote communities. But in addition to clean energy, this technology produced a byproduct that is now the primary product of All Carbon Engineering: biochar.

Maintaining the spirit of All Power Labs and the ingenuity that got us here, we believe in innovation without ego to transform industries and scale solutions that fundamentally change the ways our world works. That’s the energy that Silicon Valley was built on, and that’s the energy we must recapture as we set out to capture carbon.